Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Our Story

Our story. From her and his perspectives. Enjoy!


 “I don’t think I’m going to date when I go to California for ministry school, but if I do- I think it’ll be this guy.” I said that to my childhood bestfriend the fall of 2014 after only seeing Neil’s photo on our school’s facebook group. I met this man in September, a week before our ministry school began. I remember seeing him for the first time and I literally gasped. We shook hands at church and as he would say, I looked like a deer in the headlights. The next few days before classes began a group of us hung out on the beach. Neil and I connected well, talked easily, and laughed effortlessly. I had never met anyone who intrigued me so much and yet, I had complete freedom to be myself. Over the next few weeks we went on walks, hung out in groups, and grew in our friendship. After about a month, we found ourselves in the produce aisle of the grocery store where I heard the words “everything has changed. I like you Sarah” I look back and laugh, how quickly it all went and yet, it felt like I had known this man for years. I felt safe with him and I’d never enjoyed doing the every day things more with someone than I did Neil.

The tricky part of it all was that we weren’t allowed to date for the first semester of our schooling. The next four months held lots of challenges as we did our best to honor leadership and the rules set before us. Because of the challenges we faced, we grew closer as I saw a man full of integrity respond to difficult situations that arose. He was able to come home with me, to Illinois, for his first American Thanksgiving and spent a week with my family. He played football with my family, paintball, we cooked together and the more and more I fell in love with this Canadian. To be honest, returning to California was hard because I wanted to date this man with freedom and to celebrate the love I felt. The Lord taught me so much in the following weeks about the beauty of celebrating and what it looks like to truly cherish our dreams with the Lord. Christmas finally came and we went our “official first date.” He picked me up with a single red rose, a love letter, a bottle of wine, and off we went. I had made a scavenger hunt of several of our “firsts.” Afterwards, we went to a beautiful Italian restaurant, and ended up on the beach where we had chocolate chip cookies and chocolate chip cookie dough- neither of us can decide which we like more. Christmas came and I was able to spend a week with my family before heading to British Columbia for ten days. Canada is beautiful. I skied, he snowboarded, we went snowmobiling (or sledding, as they say, eh) I had moose for the first time, fell into snow up to my waist, experienced thirty below for the first time, and met his wonderful family. We returned to California free to celebrate. The last three months have held such joy. We both love to adventure and the central coast is a stunning playground. We’ve gone hiking, kayaking, boogie boarding, visited Magic Mountain Six Flags where Neil went on his first rollercoaster and I was shocked, he ended up loving them more than me!
We both have a heart for the Western Church. We want to see North America awaken with the truth and love of the Trinity. We are still praying about what that will look like in the years to come but have several dreams that we are excited to see fulfilled in our lifetime.

Ill go ahead and jump ahead to the day he got on one knee. If you know me, you know I’m a curious one. Neil was determined to surprise me and I was doing my best to figure out his plans. Because of that, he moved the planned day of proposal! Monday nights are our date night and he told me he would pick me up at five. After class, at 2:30 I was pouting because I had convinced myself we would be getting engaged over the previous weekend. Which would have happened, if I wasn’t so curious. I called a friend and complained about not wanting to be disappointed on our upcoming date. She listened and offered to go with me to get my nails done “to make me feel better” fully knowing later that night I’d have a ring on my finger. While we got manicures she gave me a very inspirational speech about how I should enjoy the evening ahead because I was going to be with a man who loved me, in a beautiful place, regardless of what happened, or didn’t happen. I got home with twenty minutes to spare to get ready. “It’s just another day” I kept telling myself, determined to enjoy the evening ahead. After having dressed up all weekend in anticipation of getting engaged, I tried on several more dresses before deciding to throw on jeans and a cute tank in hopes of convincing myself that “it was just a normal day”. I walked out to meet him “you look beautiful! Do you mind if we go in and find a dress?” sigh. Outfit number seven coming right up, “it’s just another day Sarah.” I told myself. He picked out a white dress I had yet to wear since being in CA. Neil and I have come to love a little sushi place near my house during our time here. We jumped in his truck and headed to sushi. I found out later that he wanted to be at the beach at sunset, two hours from the time he picked me up. Normally I’m the one taking forever to eat but man, he was eating so slowly. Asking me all sorts of questions. I, however, was ready to go to the beach. “Let’s go!” I kept saying. Would you like to get coffee? He asked. I wouldn’t say no to that, coffee it was. Would you like to go on a drive and see some views? Sure… By this time I thought we were going to miss the sunset. We made it to one of our favorite spots on the rocks, just in time. He put down the blanket and began looking thru his bag- I thought “I don’t think this is a normal day.” He turned around, “Sarah Dawn, I have a question for you.” Screams and laughter followed, YES! He had my roommate secret shooting and she came down the cliff and we took some precious photos as the sun fell over the horizon. We were able to spend some time praying and giving it all to Jesus, again. We then got back in the truck and headed to a nearby restaurant where twenty of our closest California friends awaited to surprise us, the newly engaged couple. We celebrated with delicious food, dancing, and enjoying a warm California evening on the veranda. We are so blessed with such a beautiful family in this season.

We are thrilled to announce our engagement. We cannot express how good and faithful God is, our story is greater than either of us ever imagined. We will be getting married on the evening of June 28th, 2015 in the St. Louis, MO area.


I remember going to the beach one day to meet up with fellow classmates before school started, and as I made my way around the circle of people asking the typical questions of; hey, where are you from? And, how did you end up here? I eventually ended up talking to Sarah. Most of the other conversations were relatively short with well rehearsed answers, but not this one. Never before had I met a girl who so loved Jesus and yet, so sassy and fun. We ended up going for a walk and a talking about all manner of things, and she totally called me out on different mindsets I had about ministering to the poor and rich. I remember leaving the conversation not with any immediate thoughts of trying to date, but knowing in my spirit that this girl was the one, and being very intrigued.  

The next few weeks proved very interesting, I had not intended to put any effort into pursuing relationship as there was a no dating rule for the first semester in school, but it seemed like God kept setting us up together anyway.  From me having to sleep on the floor in her house because her roommate invited a homeless man in to stay the night and they wanted another man present for safety, to planning to grab lunch with Sarah and a fellow classmate and then getting dropped off at a restaurant the fellow classmate handing us twenty dollars and saying she had other things she needed to get done and to “have a great lunch I’ll pick you up in an hour”. Unplanned, it was just Sarah and I. We ended up making a great connection. But what really switched things in my mind from friendship to seeking relationship was after one particular walk which we went on to avoid the “sponateous worship” that was happening at her place that night, it was very loud and so we went outside for some peace and ended up having a great time together and the topic of seeing northern lights was something that we talked about for a little while.  The next night I was by myself at a little vineyard church called the Well and during ministry time the pastor called out “I don’t know if this means anything to anyone, but the Lord just told me to say “northern lights”.  At that point I really felt like the Lord was confirming for me that Sarah was indeed “the one”.  After that I started seriously trying to get to know her.  

After knowing her for about two and a half months I got to go to meet her family in Illinois during American thanksgiving.  I had a great time and had the privilege of answering plenty of small talk questions like “when are you getting married?” and “where are you going to live after?”.  Then at Christmas, Sarah got to come to Canada and meet my family where she got to answer questions like “why do you want to get married so soon?” and “have you guys had enough hard moments to know whether you know each other well enough?” It was a fantastic time.     

We have had the privilege of doing many different fun activities in our relationship to bond over. We have gone hiking, kayaking, snowboarding, snowmobiling, paintballing, played football, mini golf and a variety of other things. It has been a very amazing year getting to know each other.
Then came time to try to plan the proposal, Sarah happens to be the most infuriatingly curious person I have ever met, and with her love of trying to plan events it was super hard to try and make things a surprise.  I had a limited window of time to make things happen, between the ring taking five weeks to come in, and the fact that we already had a wedding date set for June twenty eight due to immigration reasons meant that it was necessary to propose as soon as possible.  So living on faith that the ring would come in on time I planned to propose on the weekend of March 14.  At first I had planned for the Friday, but little miss curious got too expectant so I moved the time to the Monday of the 16th.  I really wanted to propose at a romantic location that we had had a previous date, so I finally settled on a rocky section of beach that had good cover for some stealth photography by her roommate Jaimie.  Then I, through one of her other amazing roommates Danielle who worked at a very fancy restaurant, was able to reserve the outdoor veranda that overlooks the ocean for an after party.   The day of I tried to throw Sarah off by telling her I was going to the gym after school and trying to make the night seem really casual. Then I picked her up at five and took her out for sushi dinner, but I planned to propose around seven at sunset so I needed to fill some time.  we went and bought wine, and then some coffee, and I took her for a drive up onto a hill overlooking the valley, and then when Jaimie messaged me that she was in place I headed to the beach.  I really wanted to propose by opening the box with the ring in it, but I could not figure out a way to hide the ring box, so I had it in my backpack and I casually tried to put the wine and bottle opener in as well so I would have a legit reason to take it down to the beach. Unfortunatley that made Sarah super suspicious but what can you do.  I had intentions of saying a few profound words and asking her to marry me, but once I had the ring in my hands nerves got the better of me and I ended just getting down on one knee and blurting out “Sarah, will you marry me?”  to which she screamed and kissed me- and then said yes!  Thankfully Jamie was there to capture the whole thing, and then take another two hundred pictures on top of that.  We then prayed and asked God to bless our relationship and headed off to Lido restaurant.  About half the class showed up and blessed us tremendously, we had drinks and appetizers, there was live music by which we got to have our first official dance.    

Random facts about us.

-Neil’s first time in the States was the fall of 2014
-Sarah bought her wedding dress before they were allowed to “officially date”
-We found our wedding rings in a small jewelry store after meeting with an immigration lawyer, working on paperwork to make our marriage legal.
-We first held hands on a hot night in a small vineyard church, in the front row, while a revival speaker visted.
-The first song we danced to as an engaged couple was “At Last” by Etta James
-Neil was Sarah’s first kiss
-Sarah dreamt of marrying a guy with green eyes who could snowboard: check!
-Invitations are reaching 13 States, 4 provinces, and 9 countries total- we are so blessed to have loved ones all over the globe!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Being a Christian is easy, until you have a homeless man in your garage

As many of you know, I moved to Grover Beach, California to attend a nine month leadership ministry school about three weeks ago. It feels like it’s been months. The only time the homesickness has welled came when I was getting my oil changed in my car, something about that country music and smell of a workshop caused the tears to bubble up. I must say, I feel pretty spoiled living so near the deep blue sea. I’ve been able to bike part of Highway 1, hike one of nine volcanic mountains in the area, have a bonfire on the beach, and even took a whack at surfing with my Dad.

Classes have been incredible. Upon the first day of orientation I knew this is exactly where I am to be, for now. Gods already been stretching me so much in my time here and I’ve found myself wrestling with things that I may say verbally but in my heart, I don’t necessarily agree with or even, simply know how to live it. This blog post is mostly meant with the intention of updating those who I haven’t had much of a chance to connect with since moving, as well as, processing some reoccurring thoughts of mine that I have yet to establish what I think. I’m inviting you, as a reader on a computer somewhere out there, to engage. To let me know what you think, how this made you feel, and what you’re currently learning about love.

A few weeks ago, my roommate met a homeless guy on the beach. They hung out for the day and she came alive loving on this man who had yet to know the encompassing love of Jesus. She called asking if he could come over for some snacks and a movie night. Party time. We invited some friends to join the fun and the evening began with our new friend.

Warning: I’m about to get brutally honest with the hopes of genuine feedback from you.

This man was filled with thoughts and notions that blew me away. He openly shared of his past, mostly on the streets, as his parents were drug addicts. He shared his beliefs regarding spiritual matters and religion. I often found myself thinking, “I'm sorry, what?” His thoughts hard to connect with at times and then other times, he was clearer than the view of the ocean out my kitchen window. I knew he needed an encounter with the sweet Jesus I talk to all the time but how? I mean, I’ve hung out with many a homeless before, I’ve spent hours just being with people who in my time with them never accepted the Lord. I “know” what I should be saying and doing but all of a sudden, I realize we have welcomed a man into our home that is presenting and carrying many of the things I fight to keep out. He was speaking untrue things about Jesus, the One I love. How do I open my arms and welcome someone who disagrees so blatantly with what I know to be true and yet, treat him with the inexhaustible love and grace I’m given daily?

Night came and he needed a place. I had thoughts running through my head of fear, logic, and practicality. I had thoughts piercing my heart of love, compassion, and a desire of being abundant with what I have. Another friend stayed for the sake of safety but we gave our new friend the garage. He had a dog, so it just seemed to make sense, right? I tossed and turned that night.

What would Jesus have done?

Seriously. I’m not just throwing those words around, I’m not mindlessly repeating a sermon I heard with a five point essay of “how to love a homeless man.” I’m asking a legitimate question, how do we love? How do I love my neighbor? How do I actually love the brokenhearted with padded bank accounts and those that don’t know where their next meal will come from? I’m tired of loving with caution and comfort. I mean that but then here we are again, at that intersection of what comes out of your mouth and where actions back it up. 

Should I have given this man I didn’t know my own bed? Did he walk away that next morning after pancakes and think “I liked them, they were different”? Or were we just another bunch of stiff people who quoted Scripture and regurgitated what we've heard before. It was that night and many since that I’ve found myself deeply wrestling with my own selfishness and even need to prove myself. I am pretty dang good at being sweet and nice but what about radical and selfless? What about loving till it hurts- what does that even mean?

So here we are, I’ll stop before we hit the mini novel status. I apologize for not being neat and leaving you feeling inspired but then again, if I was able to ruffle your feathers and make you think. Praise Jesus. Christians aren’t called to be mindless. Christians aren’t called to be comfortable and just smile kindly. We are called to love. Join me on the lifelong journey to discovering what that really, truly means?

Monday, August 25, 2014


This photo was taken the other evening as I strolled the streets of my little hometown. Etched in the sidewalk, surprise, a love note from Jesus.

Faith is messy. Faith is beautiful. Faith draws you closer to the heart of the Creator.

In the past six weeks I've seen God move in abundant ways, stories I'm itching to share with the world. I want to shout "GOD IS FAITHFUL" from the highest rooftop. However, since there aren't that many rooftops around here that would be a fan of that idea I'll stick with my recliner this sticky Monday morning and let my fingers do the shouting with the hopes that you, the reader, wherever you may be, will feel the passion arise within that God really is alive.

Since writing last, Jesus has continued to knock me down in awe at his work in my life. I stop to share because the power of testimony can change lives. A testimony can be the thing that pushes you over the edge to say "yes, I believe." Be it believing in God for the first time, or believing that He is good, that He is wanting to speak with you. I was told many months ago that the upcoming season of my life would be one marked by the awe of God in a way I'd never experienced before. I thought that was a neat, thinking it would be a growth within me and who doesn't like to have an increased awe of God? A couple months ago the Lord seemed to whisper, the awe that will grow will be because of acts done- get excited. Wait a second, I'm going to see things happen in my life that will cause me to respond in a way that I'll be greater in awe of you? OH BOY! I had no idea what was to come and even as I type, a smile dances across my face as something tells me I haven't seen anything yet.

We left off last month with the starting of a new design business, a paid plane ticket from a stranger, and the offer of furniture for our home we had yet to find in California. Since that time, we have found a home, my tuition for the ministry school I'm attending has been generously paid in full by a future classmate, I had the amazing gift of sharing one of these stories in front of my wonderful home church of roughly 400 people before they blessed me with prayer and commissioning as I pack up to leave in less than a week.

So I don't turn this into a book, I am going to only share the details of the house story, it's one of my favorites.

I've spent months, entire days, countless hours, calling, researching, emailing, planning, hoping, praying-you get the picture. One of the best parts? As much as I wanted the process of finding a home in California to be over, my peace didn't waver. That wasn't me, that was supernatural. During this time I was so challenged by the process. Why? I know that Jesus can do anything, so therefore, the time in between must have a purpose. The moments where I felt like it would  have been acceptable to freak out a little, I just felt a reassurance. A knowing that this God I've given my life to, is good, he has never and will never fail me. I can't help but wonder if that's the point. The process caused me to say "Jesus, I NEED you. Only you can do this." One day last week I was sitting on the couch and had a little conversation with Jesus that went something like this:

Me: "Okay, Jesus. I don't have a house. I know you and I know that you must have a surprise up your sleeve. What could you possibly orchestrate at this point in the game that would make me go No Freakin' Way?"
Jesus: "vacation rentals"
Me: (turns head) "That's brilliant."

Let me explain something real quick here. I'd been going to property managers in the area and well, they aren't a big fan of less than a 12 month lease- our story of having six women from all different states and one different country was just seen as messy. Our ministry school is for 9 months, so either me and the other five women I'll be living with would have to pay an extra three months or stay thru the summer next year. However, vacation rentals are really excited with longer leases. I quickly got on the phone and the first place I called, I was welcomed with overwhelming kindness. The voice on the other line the nicest I'd spoken to since I began the journey of finding a home. She partnered with me in finding just the right place. She was excited about our adventure, wanting to know details, and genuinely interested in our story. A seemingly amazing option arose, all utilities included, furnished all the way from couches to sheets and silverware. Nestled two miles from the Church, two blocks from the beach, and two miles from where I hope to be working. The only problem was that it wasn't available until the day school started- I'd have to spend two weeks staying in a hotel. "Jesus, I really want to be able to walk in the door to my home when I arrive in town- if this is where we are supposed to be, can you please make that happen?" The next day the sweet manager calls "Guess what! The man who was staying in the rental just called and said that things ended with his business trip much faster than he expected and plans to be out in a few days!" No Way. In less than a week I'll only have to pack up my clothes, some shoes, and maybe a toothbrush. I will get to live in a beautiful home, within our budget, near the beach. Surprise, Jesus did it again.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Jesus makes me laugh.

The last time I wrote was to announce my newfound plans for the Autumn, going to Iris Leadership School in California. I return today, feet up, the familiar sounds of a coffee shop providing marvelous background music, with the desire to remind or possibly inform you, of the fantastic humor of our Savior. So, sit back, relax, join me in putting your feet up, and chuckle along with me at the way Jesus has been moving in my life lately. 

Let me bring you up to a speed a little, I leave in about six weeks to drive four days, thirty-three hours, with some clothes and pots and pans in tow. I have received a portion of my needed funding to pay off my tuition due for school, I'm still seeking employment, and a home has yet to be found. I've had moments of undoubted curiosity and freak out at the unknowns ahead, as well as, moments of pure excitement.

Now, let's jump back to about ten days ago. A future roommate of mine sent a message informing us that she had made a connection with someone who asked if they could furnish our home. WHAT.  Now remember, we have yet to locate where our home will be for the coming season of our lives. Upon receiving this surprising news, the five women I will be living with began to express that they too had nothing but clothes and a few odds and ends to bring with them. We had no idea but we are all essentially taking a step of faith with hands open and empty and no furniture to speak of. Knowledge we had yet to learn of but the Lord provided before the need was voiced. Sneaky one Jesus, very sneaky.

A few days following this I was lying in bed one night expressing my thoughts, my fears, my dreams to Jesus- attempting to lay them all at his feet, I rolled over to go to sleep. My phone buzzed informing me of a Facebook message. I swiped open my phone only to have a tear slide down my cheek moments after. A tear expressing more awe and surprise than I had ever expected in that moment. A woman I had met once, three years ago, at a conference at the International House of Prayer had messaged me saying that she had read my blog and felt that she was to purchase my plane ticket home for Christmas.  WHAT. A woman I hadn't talked to in years, who lives on the other side of the world. 
God is just a little bigger than I think He is. 
Doubts of being able to pay the tuition attempting to bring me down minutes before and all of a sudden, the Lord showed me that I'd be home for Christmas- by the hand of a practical stranger. If the Lord can provide four months down the road, I can certainly relax about the weeks ahead. Cleaver one Jesus, very cleaver.

In the moments between all of this I found myself on the porch one evening with three of my favorite things: my sketchbook, candles, and worship music. Awhile later I posted a picture of one of my creations and an old friend commented, yet again, of how she felt that I should be selling my prints. She and I met for coffee and long story short- we are opening an Etsy shop together called "Ink & Lace Designs." WHAT. My friend being Jesus to me as she so beautifully believes in me more than I believe in myself. The Lord is teaching me what it looks like to bring the passions He has placed within me to the surface. Creating makes me feel alive and I'm reminded of the love God has of seeing me come alive. I have no idea how this little adventure will turn out but I have been so deeply reminded of the excitement God has for our lives, He dreams bigger than we do. Wow Jesus, wow. 

Moral of the story? Ask Jesus to make you smile this week. He loves to see you smile. 

P.S. Keep an eye out for our first batch of creations from "Ink & Lace Designs" coming to an Etsy shop near you, soon and very soon!

One more thing ( I don't like P.S.S. that just sounds weird) This blog post may sound like God provides extravagantly all day, every day and that I never have moments of doubt or fear. God does provide extravagantly all day, every day but I do unfortunately still struggle to walk in that knowledge at all times. Rejoice with me in the testimonies above and praise the Lord for all that He is doing in our lives that we miss daily. Know that I am on a journey to grow in faith and somedays are harder than others. We must remember the power of our testimony and that by the Blood of the Lamb, we are saved. 

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

May My Life Be Marked By Faith

I’m going to Iris Leadership School! If you would like to check out where exactly I’m headed, feel free to explore their website. Here is their direct link: 


For a slight peek into what my time there will hold, here is a snippet found on their web page. “The foundation of this training will include a deeper understanding of growth in identity and character. We will also be training world-changers in both basic & advanced ministry skills and leadership skills. Students will be trained in advanced Bible study, preaching, healing, deliverance, team building, church planting, vision, evangelism, starting Iris bases, building a revival culture, apostolic strategy, becoming a 501(c)3, and much more. Each student will also have the opportunity to practice ministry development in a practical, local church context by starting ministries, raising up leaders, and giving ministries away. There will also be school retreats and missions trips during the school year. And, of course, there will be ample time for prayer, worship, soaking, and personal ministry.

Again, feel free to explore their website for more information or questions you may have.

Now for my own personal story and how I ended up with this specific adventure on my horizon. As many of you know, I graduated from Taylor University last fall with an undergrad in Social Work. The door opened for me to work at a real estate company in a town near the one I graduated college from. I took the job, got my own apartment, and was on church leadership at the church I had attended during my time at Taylor. Life was consistent with work, church, and my friends there. Then December came, and I felt that I would be moving back to my parents home. I found out that my mom was scheduled to have surgery and I wanted to be there for that process. I moved home early December. After my mothers surgery I asked the Lord what was next, thinking it was time to find a job that I was passionate about. God said to travel. It didn’t make sense but I’ve found life is simply too short not to listen when you feel God is speaking. Within the following eight weeks, I touched the Atlantic, Pacific, and the Gulf of Mexico. I went on many adventures, saw loved ones, and the Lord began to speak to me more about my passions.

It wasn’t this one specific moment where I realized, I want to do ministry, it just happened. I knew I loved being at church growing up, I felt the most alive when speaking about the Lord with others, and I knew my faith would be a very significant part of my life but it was this shift of intentionality, I want to do ministry. I came back home from my last trip ready to commit. I began job searching. I was looking into ministry organizations I respected, Christian camps- you name it, I probably thought about it. Nothing seemed to excite me, even though many were amazing opportunities. One day when I was on facebook, I saw an ad for Heidi Baker’s Global Mission Schools and something in my spirit leapt. I knew Heidi Baker had a school in Mozambique, I even had close friends attend her school, but I didn’t know there were any in the U.S. As I began researching, I found the Leadership School located in Pismo Beach and there it was, excitement. As I read their requested prerequisites  the excitement faded as many I did not meet. I spoke with my Pastor and he encouraged me to give it a shot any way. Weeks went by and I would feel this excitement creep up but I would just push it away as the thought of it happening seemed impossible.

I was wrong. I was accepted. Let me be clear in that once I found out, it wasn’t an automatic I knew that it was what I was to do next. I prayed and prayed and felt that the Lord was allowing me to pick. As I spoke with loved ones, the support and encouragement was overwhelming. I realized that so many of the options I had prior to this seemed, without sounding arrogant, possible to accomplish on my own strength. Where as the Iris School, I could not have even gotten in without the Lord. What an exciting opportunity to continue to step out in faith.

I had this moment that for the rest of my life, I want each step I take to require more faith than the last. I want to live my life so that I trust God to the degree that if He doesn’t come through, I will fall on my face. Stepping out of the boat isn’t easy. So as I move forward in the planning of this next adventure I have moments where it sounds terrifying and overwhelming but then, I realize that I want more of God and the peace that that brings, conquers all other emotions.

Here is where you come in, if you're reading this it means that when I sit down and think about the people in my life I value most, you come to mind. 

I do plan on finding a part-time job once arriving in CA this autumn and I will be working this summer but I know I will need some additional help financially. Here is a list of foreseeable costs:

- $2800 tuition
- rent, groceries, gas money
- gas money to make the initial trip to CA this coming Autumn
- money for a plane ticket to spend Christmas with my family
- student loan bills

If you would like to give, you are able to do so online by going to 


You will be able to type in my name, Sarah Lewis, and submit that way.
( Make sure you enter into the second part, tuition payment and not registration fee)

You are also able to mail a check to my current address of 
1015 E. Oak St. Greenville, IL 62246

As always, prayers are appreciated greatly as I prepare to move cross country, leave my family here, live in a place I've never been with people I've never met, seek employment, and attend a school to learn more about the Lord.

Thank you. Thank you for not only taking the time to read this but for all the ways you have invested in me, challenged me, inspired me, encouraged me, and believed in me even when I may not have believed in myself. 

Sarah Dawn